Mentorel has a few very exciting news about our system on module uSomIQ. First of all uSomIQ-BBB got a new name Mentorel BeagleBone uSomIQ. It sounds better but in fact there is a reason for it: finally BeagleBone uSomIQ got the official license from the non-profit corporation Foundation and now bears the BeagleBoard Compatible Logo! What does it mean? In general words guys from took the module with the baseboard Mentorel BoneCape, tested it for software compatibility with the original BeagleBoard Black and confirmed their compatibility. Of course they added a different product ID to the EEPROM database to differentiate products in the constantly expanding Beaglebone family. For BeagleBone uSomIQ buyers it means that all of the software further released by for BeagleBone Black will run flawlessly and without any modifications to software. Moreover other operation systems like Android, QNX and others released for BeagleBone Black can be also loaded to Mentorel BeagleBone uSomIQ and will run in the same way as at the original board. Users are also legal for general support from the community, i.e. they can use official forums and mailing lists. Isn’t it great? But the support from the community is only available for software features while all hardware related questions are still the responsibility for Mentorel engineers. And, of course, you can still ask all kind of questions to the Mentorel Support team. All Mentorel boards are already on stock at the US distributor Hurry up while they are yet available!

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